Scoring Digits!
You don't know me,
But you make me so happy.
-Tommy Tutone, "Jenny (867-5309)"
Have you ever wondered if you could fly? If you really believed? Maybe the only thing holding us back is our own insecurities. Maybe if we dared to have faith we could transcend our earthly bindings. Somewhere out there people must believe. And somewhere out there someone will die of a 12 story fall to the sidewalk. But that's besides the point. The point is don't let silly things like reality and the sidewalk stand in the way of your dreams.... or stuff... like flying.
Well, I was doing my laundry today at 3 in the morning. Like I do. When I find two girls with Caps in the basement. One drunk, one high-schooler. Something is wrong with that. Number one, it's Caps with women. What else was wrong with that? Someone had stolen some of their clothes and shoes and IDs. Talk about weird. I don't think this should be happening. Someone should really keep tabs on these drunk girls. I mean its just not safe to go wandering into frat houses like that. I mean what if someone less savory than myself or Caps had found them. Luckily Caps did find them and I was conscriped to drove them home like the gentleman I am. Sadly, one of the girls kept calling me TooSan and eventually TwoTone. On the bright side, I got her phone number. On the downside, it was 867-5309. Probably because I told her my name is actually Tommy.
Random Thought:
I would feel safer if the world was protected by Superheroes even if it meant that our world was constantly under Supervillain threat. It would help if they were blonde and wore hot latex outfits. Yeah, that's peace of mind.