Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Frosty Dependance

By every sigh and scream we make
All the feelings that I get
But I still don't miss you yet
Only when I start to think about it
I hate everything about you
Why do I love you?

-Three Days Grace, "I Hate Everything About You"

There are times in your life when you realize that you are not like other people.

I was watching a commercial for Ivy Tech or some-such crap about bettering yourself so you can get a job as an auto-repair specialist or something and I realized that I have no motivation to better myself in any academic way nor do I desire to get a job through said academic manner.

This is one of those times.

I look at people and realize that I can't really relate to 99.9% of them. I mean I can relate to them on a basic level. Happiness, sadness, and all that jazz is pretty basic and I feel them like everyone else, but the crux of the problem is that I don't think my thought processes are exactly normal. Why are the things that everyone seems to value so meaningless to me? Why do insignificant things like dissorderly silverware bother me? I might be insane. In fact, let me look up insane. Ok. Whew. Not insane.

Anyway, I think the point I'm getting at is that I want to be normal. I want to desire the things normal people should want. I want to be inspired by the mundane. I want to succeed and have people look at me like I've accomplished something. I want to watch Springer and see something more than a complete waste of life reveling in the shit that is our society. I want to sleep at night instead of whining about being overburdened by an overactive imagination on my blog!

But like I've always said, "Don't let the Frosty be your crutch." Make of that what you will.

Other depressing things:
1. The Colts are still not going to the Superbowl.
2. Love is a two-way street. So my chances of being run over are two-fold.
3. Godliness is next to cleanliness. So my room is technically in hell.
4. I often dream of dying.
5. I often dream of being killed by those near me.
6. Sometimes really late at night I hear raccoons in my ceiling.
7. My mom once told me that rats poop in your mouth while you sleep.
8. I sleep with my mouth open.
9. My father once made me lick milk off the floor as a child.
10. My mother took a picture and now keeps it on her dresser. (to laugh at)

Random Question(s):
Is it possible to confuse love and hate? What if you hated someone so much that you thought you loved them because you have a distinct lack of emotion in your life? Are love and hate that different? The results are supposed to be but what if you can't distinguish between what's good for you and what's bad? If you love everything that's bad for you then is it love?

Okay since no one reads this site anymore, here's a reward for sticking with me. It's the address to my other website which was so cleverly hidden. So enjoy and tread softly because you tread upon my dreams.

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

When I Wish Upon A Star

I don't go around regretting things that don't happen.
-Virgil Thomson

I guess the theme of my Christmas break this year was... family. Go figure. I found myself spending a lot of time with my family and oddly enjoying it. I know what you're thinking, "Oh no! Yoosuk's going to become well-adjusted and come to terms with all his family related neuroses!" Well never fear my friends. Yoosuk Choi remains a mentally disturbed individual torn by emotional undercurrents that drive him to crazy, irrational behavior suitable for blogging about. In fact, I hear he still likes to talk about himself in the third-person. Creepy.

In other breaking news, I've decided that the invention of zero should be negated. The whole concept noting the not-ness of something is superfluous and saddening. Just thinking about all the stuff that I have zero of makes me sad. My zero ferraris, my zero plasma screens, my zero NBA contracts, and... well suffice to say, the list goes on. I mean zero is simply a placeholder for everything else. Do we really need to think about it? The whole concept breeds unnessary thought. For example, thinking about negating the existence of a concept that notes the non-existence of things.

Random Piece of Advice:
If you think I'm really an asshole, you should stop being so stupid.