Sunday, October 31, 2004

Mental Vomit

What have I become truth is nothing yet
A simple mistake starts the hardest time
I promise I'll do anything you ask...this time
-Snow Patrol, "Chocolate"

Hey everyone. Those of you that still visit this site will appreciate that I don't have much time to just write these blog entries. So in the interest of getting another entry out, this will be written in the a more "stream of consciousness"/"mental vomit" style.

The world can be a cruel place. I know this because Tyler knows this.
I know I seem depressed all the time, but thanks for sticking by me. I actually appreciate and know that I am loved and will always take comfort from that. So don't take it personally when I straight out tell you that I'm annoyed or that you need to get the hell away from me.

I woke up several times in Jake's car thinking that my bra was actively trying to kill me.
What a horrid invention! The damn thing tried to strangle me. I now appreciate why girls are constantly whining. I would be in a bad mood too if my clothes were slowly sucking away my will to live.

Blondes do have more fun. Especially when wearing short skirts!
Okay so being a blonde isn't more fun, but you do get felt up a lot more. That and everyone is constantly complimenting you. I'd blush if I had any sense of modesty whatsoever.

A venereal disease in the hand is worth two in the bush.
Yea well this one is pretty self explanatory. I mean unless you're some naked guy going around scalping unsuspecting Halloweeners. I have no face!

Shaving one's legs so you don't have little patches of hair isn't as easy as it looks.
There's one word that pretty much describes my experiences with shaving my legs. Oops. Yeah... it looked okay in the dark. It felt okay in the dark too. Oh well.

"Don't worry I will update again... one day."

Friday, October 29, 2004

Dawn Of The Dead

The days get shorter and the nights get cold.
I like the autumn but this place is getting old.

-Modest Mouse, "The World At Large"

So I guess I'm dead. This comes as quite a shock to me. I'm dealing with it well however. I find that death is a lot like being stuck in Indianapolis with no internet. That, my friends, is a metaphor. Or simile. Whatever. I'm dead I can't be bothered with proper English.

So what's up with you? Oh yeah that's right you can't really respond. That's what I like about writing I think. I can say anything and you can't interrupt me, or argue, or tell me that I'm a dork/idiot/butt/asshole. So anyway shut up and listen. I'm writing a screenplay about my "crazy" life. Ask me about it sometime. Or not.

Anyway I have to go watch another scary movie with crazy people. Hopefully this one won't keep me up at night.